

Zachery Sheley

Welcome to my projects page! This is where I showcase all the cool stuff I’m working on. NOTE: I rarely updated project pages in the past, so expect this page to remain fairly bare.


Right now one of my biggest concerns is graduating, so the amount of projects I start will most likely remain small until I have more time and resources.

Thank you for understanding.

The Notorious B.L.O.G.

As you all may know I am working on a blog. You can access said blog by clicking the button entitled “blog” located in the sidebar to the left. I hope to slowly add more features as time goes on, but that will be determined based on the amount of time I have available. I’ve created it [the blog] as a means of ranting/journaling my views without the fear of public backlash. It may not be the prettiest or most interesting thing to interact with but it’s something. Every post is marked with the time and date of creation for easy of access.


Image of Blog

Cross Country Trip

I am currently in the process of planning a trip around the country by train before I ship. I plan on posting pictures on my blog and the trip page as I go or shortly after. To learn more about this project feel free to follow this link.