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Zachery Sheley

Welcome to my blog! A place where I joke, rant, and journal just about everything.


20:54 20221023

I called it! I knew I’d forget about this shit in a week! Took a drunk me to even remeber I had a website. I guess I’d better make a post to let future me or that “Russian Hacker” know whats going on. I joined the USMC like I said I would, shits been a roller coaster. Somehow I’ve managed to actually get with a group that does something other than paperwork. I’m a radio operator with a FiST. I don’t give a fuck how cheesy it sounds I love this statistic, life expectancy of an RO in Vietnam ~7 sec, life expectancy of an RO in the middle east ~14. I don’t give a fly fuck though, my dumbass is going to slay bodies with a 10ft whip out my ass one way or another. A year in and I’ve learned this much about myself. I’m addicted to booze and nic, I do nothing but fuck and fight in my spare time. I say I hate the Corps and I’ll only do my 4 years but I love it too much. I’ll probably be here till I die. Which won’t happen because I’m too goddamn stubborn. Anyway, if I remeber anything about this in the morning I’ll make an actual comprehensive post but until then fuck it, YOLO.

P.S. Two quotes in the Corps that will always live with me - “Sheley, you’re every fucking CPLS, no ROs wet dream!!!” -Yearwood “Sheley, you fuck and you fight so you’re cool in my book.” -Esqi



Before anyone starts jumping to conclusions; no, I did not pull any pranks today and no, I was not pranked today. I’ll tell you what I did do today though. I made the awful realization that in a matter of a few short months I won’t see some of my best friends ever again. I’m so shook up about this that I think I’ll even miss Maggie and even the people I hate there. FUCK! I’m so sad. Then I started thinking about all the lost time due to COVID. I wish I could do something to slow things down. At the same time though I yearn to get out of this house and into the fleet. I hate feelings. I might even shed a single tear.



Last Post of the Day (Probably)


My day was pretty good, got up early as fuck, got ready, napped, hit the books hard, napped, worked out, got screamed at, missed dinner, and now writing this blog post. I’m actually really proud of my workout today. I missed last week’s and I didn’t include cardio today but man I still killed it.

Exercise Reps
20lb Ammo Can Lifts 80
Push-ups 40
Marine Corps Crunches 110

Hopefully, once I’m able to drive/get dropped off on Mondays and Tuesdays I’ll run over to the VUU football field and flip their big ass tire. I just need to find a way to incorporate my cardio. I want to be running at least 5 miles. Normally, that would be nothing, but I’m really out of shape and have no one to push me. It’s crazy APPARENTLY I have been running 1.5 miles in 17.49 mins. I’m not sure how that’s possible because I can walk that faster. Maybe my mileage is just super off, because at the last Poolee Function I ran 1.5 miles in 11.38 mins. Who knows maybe I’m ass at home because subconsciously I know I could slack off and get away with it. Whatever the case may be, my mind is absolutely BOGGLED. Anyway, after my workout I came in for a shower and I felt and looked good (I thought so at least). I think my next workout will look something like this:

Exercise Reps
20lb Ammo Can Lifts 85
Push-ups 50
Marine Corps Crunches 120
Run 2 mi

Oh, before I finish up this post I forgot to mention a crucial life decision I’ve made. Once I figure out how to unlock my locker I plan to convert the inside to a full snack bar. Because why the fuck not?

Get some!

You can never be too motivated by Goggins! Enjoy.

Afternoon Contemplation


I’ve been trying to figure out what direction I want to take with this blog. So far it’s extremely unprofessional and reminds me a lot of Twitter, minus the followers. One part of me wants to dial it back so I don’t get flak from potentially important viewers. The other half of me wants to keep it raw. Let’s face it, no one is going to continue reading something that lacks flavor. Yet at the same time no one is going to hire or approve of an obvious smart ass. More thought needs to be put into this on my end. Until then, I’ll continue writing sloppy uncensored posts about life.


P.S. If you’re a future employer, current employer, teacher, or friend for that matter please take this blog/site with a grain of salt. No one actuals looks at it anyway, at least I hope not.


The Liability


MW just had their first fire drill in-person since March of last year. I’m currently in Gov, but since our teacher isn’t here in person I’m zooming in the senior commons. I think I’m supposed to be in the cafeteria, but who wants to sit down there with a bunch of freshman? No one has said anything to me yet so I’m just going to play it cool until that day comes. I was really anxious out in the parking lot though. I kept thinking “Uh oh they’re looking for me… I’m dead.” However, that wasn’t the case. At least I don’t think it was. Oh well. You live and you learn.




Fuck, Fuck, Fuck. As usual I woke up completely exhausted so I decided I’d jump start my day with a “little” coffee. It’s only 09:50 and I’ve already drank roughly 4 cups of Starbucks double shot. My limbs refuse to stop moving and my mind is racing. I love it. Thanks Haley for bringing in the Keurig (I hope that’s how you spell it)!


That Morning Coffee Feeling

Third Time’s the Charm


Ah man today has been quite the rodeo! Zoller, “Bill”, and I snatched the fridge from the low end commons during study hall, along with the microwave and all remaining furniture. At least the high end is furnished now. I also started playing The Witcher III: Wild Hunt. Not only was I extremely impressed with the graphics and overall play style of the game, but the story is elegantly written (so far at least). Aside from that and listening to the most prententious conversation I have ever heard between my two absolutle least favorite people, that’s been my day. School is a joke, both in-person and online. Teachers tend to ramble on about things barely related to what our focus of study is or they hardly talk at all. Either way it leaves me absolutely clueless in the class. I also don’t understand why I HAVE to be in the Zoom call if I’m in-person. I mean really, I’m driving an hour away just to stare at a screen and watch them “lecture” while I’m sitting in the same room. It’s whatever, I have until June 18th then I’m gone.


P.S. The car driver is an absolute maniac. I thought her driving was bad freshman year, well it’s much much worse. I swear she tried to hit every fucking puddle on the way home today. One of the ones she hit actually woke me up because it felt like we were re-enacting a scene from Tokyo Drift.

My Daily Ride

I AM Speed


Just wanted to make a quick post in appreciation of the MLWGS WiFi. The last time I tried to download a 40Gb program at home it took me 3 days. Well, not today, I downloaded the entire Witcher III + all DLC in a matter of 20 mins. If that’s not fast I don’t know what is.


The Big Blog


I’m going to make this entry short and sweet because I’m exhausted.

Today I made a blog. It was a pain in the ass. I’ll probably forget about said blog in like a week. The End.
